
Playing MP3 Files in Fedora 8 using Gnome

To play MP3 files in Fedora 8 you need to add software to your default installation:

  • First, add Livna sources using rpm ```bash rpm -ivh ```
  • Next, Install Rhythmbox (assuming you are using Gnome) using yum ```bash yum install rhythmbox ```
  • Next, Install gstreamer-plugins-ugly** using yum ```bash yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly ```

    That is it, next launch Rythmbox and hello music! Rythmbox Launch

    Q: Hey Chris, why does the gstreamer-plugins end in “-ugly” A: Good question, tough answer, the GStreamer is a streaming media library which contains plug-ins which cannot be shipped in gstreamer-plugins-good because the license is not LGPL. Please note the the license of the entire library is not LGPL! So of course you shouldn’t install it unless you pay the owners for licensing rights.

  • This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.